THE NORTH POLAR REGIONS. All about the North Geographic Pole, the North Magnetic Pole, and the the North Polar Regions. An extensive geographical and navigational study.
POLARFLIGHT ONLINE. Monthly online news and information magazine about the North Polar Regions. Photos, maps, monthly features, links to other north polar sites, and much more . . .
AERIAL EXPLORATION OF THE NORTH POLAR REGIONS. The exploration of the polar regions by air beginning with Andrée's 1897 attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon, through 1939. Many rarely seen vintage photos, and more . . .
THE 1931 POLAR FLIGHT OF THE AIRSHIP GRAF ZEPPELIN. The meeting and exchange of mail between the Graf Zeppelin and the Russian icebreaker Malygin. Includes an overview of early polar aviation history.
POLAR PIONEERS. A series of short biographical sketches of early polar exploration personalities including: Louise Boyd who led the 1928 search for Roald Amundsen who disappeared on a flight from Norway to Spitsbergen; polar airship pioneer Walter Wellman; and Norwegian aviation pioneer, Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen.
90 DEGREES NORTH. A series of short articles with a north polar regions theme. The first in the series deals with the question of political sovereignty over the North Pole.
GLOBAL LINKS. GMT/UTC clock, time zone converter, currency converter, international postage rates, worldwide newspapers including Polar News, and more. A good site to bookmark.
NORTH POLE WEATHER. Use these links to check on weather  
from locations around the polar rim.
  LONGYEARBYEN, SVALBARD. Longyearbyen, the  
  administrative center of Svalbard, is the world's northernmost  
  BARROW, ALASKA. Barrow, on the shores of the Arctic Ocean,
  is the northernmost town in North America.
  ALERT, NUNAVUT, CANADA. Alert, on the shores of the Arctic
  Ocean, is the northernmost settlement in North America. There
  is a small Canadian Forces station at Alert.
  Other NUNAVUT Locations.
  Other NUNAVUT Locations from Environment Canada.
NORTHERN WEBCAMS. Click on "Cameras" on the index page of the site for links to live webcams from throughout the north polar regions.
SVALBARD WEATHER AND WEBCAMS. Real-time weather and live webcams from the Svalbard Archipelago and other Norwegian polar locations.
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